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Essential Equation 4 Life
Atmosphere of primordial earth consisted of hydrogen (H), helium (H2), and volcanic gases. Volcanic emissions consist of ammonia gas, carbon dioxide, trace oxygen, water vapor and sulfuric acid. Driven by the radiant energy of the sun, in the presence of the proper catalyst, ammonia gas (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) can be converted to nitrogen gas (N2), water (H2O) and methane (CH3).


Over time, in the higher altitudes of the atmosphere in the presence of oxygen, methane can be naturally converted to carbon dioxide. The above is a hypothetical equation with a hypothetical catalyst that could explain why earth’s atmosphere is comprised of 79% nitrogen and the surface of the planet is covered with 71% water.

Later, a second phase utilizing the photosynthesis process active in the chloroplast of plants converted water and carbon dioxide to oxygen and the organic molecule glucose.
Essential Equation 4 Life

Prime DNA Genome
Contains all of the executable genes and reference tables necessary for all forms of organic life; more specifically contains genetic design information to construct (a) viruses, (g) the basic cell proteins and structures, (c) prokaryote cells, (t) eukaryote cells; and has supplied the designs required to generate multi-cellular organisms comprised of eukaryote cells. There has been no identifiable organelle in a cell that is dedicated to generating additional, increasingly complex DNA. The Prime Genome is the master quaternary genetic program which has supplied the blueprints to construct all of the organic life that has ever resided on earth. All life is integrated through quaternary biologic programming.
Prime Genome

The Prime Genome has provided the longitudinal changes to the construct of life for all of the ecosystems that have exited on the planet. Evolution refers to the lateral changes that have occurred to the species. The dictum ‘Survival of the Fittest’ has dictated that the species which have flourished have been those species best adapted to the prevailing environmental factors at any given time. Given the environment is a dynamic medium, species have had to continue to be adaptable or perish. Variability in the Prime Genome genetic programming has facilitated the adaptation of species and thus survival of species.
Homo Sapiens

Prime Genomic Cube
In the image to the right, the cube on the left represents the sixty-four DNA anticodons; cube on the right represent the corresponding amino acids and the three STOP codes associated with the DNA anticodons. This unique three dimensional representation of the DNA anticodons places the START anticodon at one end of the cube and three STOP anticodons on the opposite end of the cube. The triplicate DNA anticodons step through the cube to indicate the proper arrangement of the middle two panels of the cube. A cipher is needed to convert the names that have been assigned to the four nucleotides comprising the DNA to a number system 0-3. A secondary pattern in the amino acid arrangement defines the number assignments. The Prime Genomic Cube decoded produces the genomic cipher a=0, g=1, c=2, t=3.
Prime Genomic Cube

Molecular Virus Killers to Silence HIV Genome
Molecular Virus Killers refers to modifying intracellular molecules to seek out specific viral genomes, permanently binding to the genome and silencing the virus. Viruses represent malicious biologic software constructed to attack and disrupt the cells of a body; in some cases terminating the host. Generating a molecule to bind to a virus’s genome is a means to directly attack a virus. A molecule that binds to a virus’s genetic instructions will stop malicious viral software from overcoming a cell’s defensive mechanisms and will prevent replication of the virus, thus halting a viral infection. The Molecular Virus Killer molecule targets the unique identifier of a viral genome. Theoretical Molecular Virus Killers have been derived for HIV, Ebolavirus, Herpes Simplex virus, Varicella-Zoster virus, Smallpox virus and the Chikungunya virus.
Molecular Virus Killers

Fourth Generation Biologics
A Fourth Generation Biologic is any man-made molecule that enters into the nucleus to accomplish a medically therapeutic task. Fourth Generation Biologics include synthetic transcription factors, transcription binding proteins, nuclear receptors, nuclear signaling proteins, DNA binding proteins, and control RNA molecules. Fourth Generation Biologics may target nuclear DNA, viral DNA, the transcription complex, the spliceosome, nucleolus, nucleosome, and RNA in the nucleus of a cell. The function of Fourth Generation Biologics include (a) to silence a viral genome by obstructing the viral gene’s unique identifier, or (b) activate/deactivate the body’s nuclear genes by utilizing a modified transcription factor to locate a gene’s unique identifier to turn ‘on’ or switch ‘off’ transcription of a specific gene, or (c) engage a specific spliceosome, nucleolus, nucleosome, or RNA in the nucleus of a cell. The immediate objective for developing Fourth Generation Biologics is to combat viral infections. The near term objective is to optimize management of diabetes mellitus by activating intracellular insulin production and/or intracellular insulin receptor production. The eventual goal is to develop Fourth Generation Biologics to develop medical therapies to cure osteoarthritis, fatal genetic disorders, and certain cancers.
Fourth Generation Biologics

Virion to Intercept Planet X. Contains the original seeds of life, each seed carrying a Prime DNA Genome. Comprise of an outer shell containing the Prime Genome and the enzyme to convert ammonia and carbon dioxide to nitrogen, water, and methane. Surrounding the seed is a protective magnetic shield. The action of the magnetic bubble surrounding the seed is to (a) insure that during deep space travel radiation does not destroy the organic contents of the seed and (b) act as a sensor to locate a suitable planet, that like earth, is protected by a magnetic field. Vironipx may be shorted to Vironix.

Dandelion Rift
Similar to the life-cycle of a dandelion plant: Concept that life arrived on Earth by a seed, having traveled through deep space, carrying the genetic blueprints of life and it is the population’s responsibility to replicate that seed of life and launch it back out into the universe to cultivate other planets with the precious gift of life.
Dandelion Rift
Executable Gene
Executable gene refers to a segment of transcribable DNA that is labeled with a unique identifier. A unique identifier is a sequence of nucleotides used as an identification code for executable genes, quantum genes, messenger RNAs, ribosomal RNAs and transport RNAs. In the case of the executable gene, the unique identifier may be comprised of a series of 25 nucleotides. Approximately a quarter of the genes in the human DNA have a segment of 25 nucleotides present in the upstream region of the gene between a TATA box and the transcription start site of the gene. A segment of 25 base-four nucleotides could be used to uniquely identify 200,000 different genes for 5 billion different species; which would account for a unique genome for all of the species that have ever resided on earth. Similar to an 'executable statement' in computer science, an 'executable gene' represents (a) a gene by itself or (b) the initial gene of a cluster of genes, and when the unique identifier of the executable gene is targeted by a transcription complex one or more segments of transcribable genetic information are transcribed.

Executable Gene